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 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation


Click on the blue text below to expand an answer to each question below.  If you have any further questions, please click here.
  • What kinds of services do you offer?
    • If you enter the home page you will find links to all services offered.
  • What is Compliance Management?
    • Compliance Management is an emerging science that focuses on compliance to applicable standards.   This includes establishing systems and auditing those systems to assure you remain compliant to specific standards, government regulations and legal requirements.  As litigation increases within the US, it is more and more important to assure you remain compliant to your documented systems and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Why would I use Compliance Managers to do something I can do internally?
    • Our clients find us to be faster and better.  The real expense of an audit is the auditees, not the auditor.  We reduce that cost.
    • Your core business activities that provide sales and eventually revenue suffer each time someone strays from their core activities.  Every time someone drops the ball because of a non-core activity, you pay for it.   We do an effective job, quickly and at a firm-fixed annual cost.
      • Have you changed your own oil lately?   Probably not, because of the cost and time savings (which is money). You have your oil changed for you by experts with the right equipment and supplies and the proper disposal methods.   It's not something you can't do.  It's something that allows you to quickly comply with your maintenance requirements, government regulations and time constraints.
      • We are highly trained content experts who maintain your system more quickly and very possibly more effectively than your internal staff.
  • Why not just use my registrar.  Why should I use Compliance Managers.
    • Many companies are both relieved and disappointed to find out the registrar audits are of little value to the company.   They don't want a company that certifies them also digging into the system.  They're pleased the audit is light.
    • Compliance Managers performs a very thorough audit, looking for ways that the system can benefit your company. 
  • Can you replace my registrar?
    • We can't replace your registrar, but as an agent of your company, we can assist you in finding one that better fits your needs if you click here.  We compliment the activities of your registrar.  The registrar does an audit for compliance to the standard.  We audit to improve the usefulness of your overall system.  We audit and provide systemic input.  The registrar is limited to auditing. 
  • What is a Compliance Manager?
    • A Compliance Manager is the person who will manage your systems for you.  These are colleagues of Compliance Managers.  They are commonly lead assessors for your business code, but at a minimum are very familiar with your business.
  • How long have you been in business?
    • Compliance Managers is a division of Dean Todd and Associates, LLC a Michigan Based training and consulting organization in operation since 1996.  During that period we have served over 200 companies with repeat business in our core activity.  See our companies and industries served information.
  • How do I know Compliance Managers can be trusted?
    •  Compliance Managers is comprised of industry consultants that have served many companies and industries within the United States and England.  See our companies and industries served information for more detail.  In order to protect client privacy, the last activity in business engagement between any client and Compliance Managers is client references.  There are many and all are exemplary.
  • What does "you don't pay unless you're satisfied" really mean?
    • It means each time work is performed by Compliance Managers, you're contacted to assure you're satisfied with that work.  If you're not satisfied with the work performed, we will work to make it right or you won't pay for work performed.  It's that simple.  The legal explanation is established in your contract.
  • Are your personnel subcontractors or employees?
    • We use subcontractors to allow us to keep costs down.  Highly skilled individuals with many years of experience are expensive to retain on staff and would only increase the rates charged by Compliance Managers.  It would not improve the quality of service to have our people as employees.  Most of our subcontractors have been working with us for years.
  • What is the online tracking system?
    • As part of the total compliance managers system, we offer to track your open issues (think of it as a "to do" list) online.  You're notified a month, a week and a day in advance of the due date that an issue needs attention.  When overdue, delinquency notices are sent to those working on concerns and also to management.  This allows you to manage your action items from your email inbox and stay on top of the system implementation and at the same time, know what has to be done.
    • We also notify you online and email when we are planning to perform work.  You're notified months, weeks and days in advance.  No one is surprised by our visits.
  • How often do I get a new Compliance Manager?
    • We will change as often as you like, but we prefer to establish someone who will stay with you for three years.  Periodically we audit the systems development to assure the system is maturing.
  • What if we get a non conformance in our Registrar or Compliance audit?
    • Although unusual, when it does happen, it is usually because of interpretation differences between the auditor and your Compliance Manager.  The Compliance Manager, at your request, will contact your registrar to define the issue and help to resolve it.
  • What is the relationship between AA Jansson and Compliance Managers?
    • AA Jansson and Compliance Managers use the same sales force to reduce the costs associated with obtaining new business in the same market place.  We have been business associates for nearly 20 years.