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<% if Session("CMIusername") <> "" and not isNull(Session("CMIusername")) then response.write("Welcome, "&Session("CMIusername")&"  [ Sign Out ]  ") else response.write("Welcome, Guest  [ Sign In ]  ")%>

About CMI


Client Portal


Referral Portal




Knowledge Base




  CMI privacy policy

Industries Served

 Companies Served

 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation



The referral portal is for companies or individuals that refer the services of Compliance Managers to other companies and individuals.  Compliance Managers offers a finder's fee for these referrals and an online protection system for those referrals.  All it takes is a phone call to 734.634.4890 to get started.  Ask for Russ Cromer.


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