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About CMI


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Industries Served

 Companies Served

 Copyright 2003,
 Compliance Managers, Inc.

 Web Consultants,
  NETdatum Corporation


Finding an appropriate registrar

Per Quality Digest:

  • FACT:   Registrar retention rate is near 94%
  • FACT:  Satisfaction with registrar services is very low

We will, when requested by your company:

  • Analyze your current registrar costs.
    • Provide a report of what you should likely be charged per day in your area, reasonable travel costs so that you can evaluate quotes sent in from other registrars.
  • Suggest other registrars that are suited to your company's needs.
  • Note that you will not be invoiced for this service.


Contact Russ Cromer at 734.634.4890 for further information.